看看另一端的人和事。現實中,卻有太多的理由,要你我留在原地, 或只可花費在熟悉的國度,遊覽那些熱門景點,享受已知的一切。 每次旅遊,總希望滿足自己的期盼,彷彿每個景點至整趟旅程,
就是要好好優待自己。其實,不妨試試缷下所有框架,靜靜地、 自然地,讓自己融入那個國度的文化,享受眼前遇上的人和光景。 由西伯利亞鐵路的車卡,到烏蘭巴托以外的大草原,
每天都是未知的道路。我在拍攝,也在尋覓自然, 享受下一秒的靈感。蒙古這個古國的風貌,和這趟旅程的點滴, 不但記錄於照片, 也深深的留於Edith和Billy的回憶當中。 — 馬丁
I believe everyone has the passion to travel the world and learn about other people. But in reality, people have too many excuses to stay where they are, or just travel within their comfort zones, going over the same well-trodden paths.
Each time I travel I try to fulfill my expectations and enjoy myself fully at each place. Actually, why not try to forget about those plans and frameworks, and just quietly, naturally, immerse yourself in a new culture, fully taking in the people and scenes in front of your eyes.
From the train carriages of the Trans-Siberian railway to the steppe outside Ulan Bator, everything felt unknown to me. I was taking photos, but also discovering nature and enjoying every bit of new inspiration. Every aspect of Mongolia, and this journey, was not only recorded in photographs, but also deeply etched in Edith and Billy’s memories. – Martin